Training pastors so their churches can make disciples in French-speaking Africa

“90% of pastors in Africa are untrained”
The apostle Paul encouraged Biblical training “…so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
The apostle Paul makes it clear that Jesus has given pastors and other godly leaders as gifts to his church to enable all followers of Jesus to lovingly serve one another and grow in Christlikeness (Eph 4:13). This is why Paul also says it is essential that pastors and other leaders are well-trained in the word of God. They are, therefore, examples of and know how to instruct others in right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good work (2 Tim 3:16-17).
To that end TEN has answered the call to train and disciple pastors where there is great
need—in French-speaking Africa. We invite you to learn more about what the Lord is doing in this part of the world and how He is encouraging, enabling, and strengthening His servants through the ministry of TEN.

Making an impact for the Kingdom
TEN has answered the call to train and equip church leaders to transform the church in the grass roots of French-speaking Africa.
Developing Christian Leaders
The need for training French-speaking pastors in Africa is great. At the grassroots level pastors usually farm or work other jobs in addition to pastoring. They often have barely a grade school or high school education, and may not even be proficient in French. They do not have time or money to attend Bible school. TEN provides these pastors and church leaders with the instruction they need by meeting them where they are.
Training Manuals
TEN’s main training includes four topics – Discipleship, Pastoral Care, Doctrine, and Servant — each divided into four manuals. African theologians have authored the materials that tackle pertinent cultural matters as they cover the basics of being a pastor. Manuals are translated into local languages as needed to assist individuals who are not fluent in French. A fifth set of manuals covering the basic contents of all the books in the Bible is currently being developed.
Training Classes
Four-day sessions allow pastors and church leaders to be trained while spending little time away from their day jobs.
Men and women church leaders train together where it is culturally acceptable. In other areas TEN holds separate training sessions for men and women, covering the same materials.
Training our Trainers
TEN coaches trainers how to teach the contents of our manuals. Trainers usually work in their home regions where they understand threats to safety and communicate in local languages. TEN currently has about 225 active trainers.
Along with learning the contents of TEN’s training materials, trainers learn the basics of accounting and record-keeping.
Developing Leaders
Besides training pastors and church leaders, TEN also develops leadership skills in our country coordinators. These TEN employees are trained to be godly leaders in numerous ways. They learn how to mentor, to provide constructive feedback via performance evaluations, and to budget and track finances, among other skills.
“I am thankful to be a part of such an important ministry to teach and train leaders doing Kingdom work.”
— Pastor Daniel Kambou, Board member

Make an Impact!
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our ministry of training grassroots pastors.
Testimonies & Articles!
We regularly receive updates from our trainers of what God is doing through TEN’s work in Africa. We also develop informational articles about our work.