Women’s Training in the Ivory Coast
As I was teaching on the family, I opened a window on mixed households, i.e. where only one of the spouses is a Christian. I focused on the actions a Christian wife can take towards her non-Christian husband.
As I was leaving, a woman, Lydie, from D___ approached me and told me that she had chased her husband out of his room because he had taken another wife. The teaching touched her and she saw her mistake. I saw that she was embarrassed and looking for a solution, so we prayed together. Then I suggested that she ask her husband for forgiveness based on what she had learned from the teaching, with the promise that I would support her in prayer. We parted on the evening of the 16th.
We kept in touch. The first week it wasn't easy, but with encouragement she finally made the act of forgiveness and God blessed that. She called me in the second week all joyful because the Lord had manifested Himself.